The Archaeology of Social Network Analysis

Illuminating the unruly nature of intentional social networks in educational justice efforts.

Jeremy F Price (IU School of Education-Indianapolis) , Cristina Santamaría Graff (IU School of Education-Indianapolis) , Akaash Arora (IU School of Education-Indianapolis) , Amy Waechter-Versaw (IU School of Education-Indianapolis) , Román Graff (Ivy Tech Community College-Indianapolis)
Family as Faculty as an Infrastructure Social Network Analysis Project


A social network analysis of a small network that is involved in the Collaborative for Equitable and Inclusive STEM Learning (CEISL) Family as Faculty as an Infrastructure project at the Indiana University School of Education-Indianapolis. Funded in part by a National Association for Family, School, and Community Engagement Mini-Grant.

We are exploring the following questions through a social network analysis:

The term intentional social networks comes from the work of Kira Baker-Doyle that demonstrates how educators strategically reach out and construct networks around their work (Baker-Doyle 2012; Baker-Doyle and Yoon 2020). Unruly complexity comes from the work of Peter Taylor through his critique of models and his efforts to re-situate model-based research in historical and sociocultural contexts (Taylor 2010, 2018).


All components of this work can be found at the project’s OSF repository.

File Structure

┣ assets/                   <- Directory for storing auxiliary files
┃ ┗ fafi-sna-references.bib <- Bibliography for this project in BibTeX format
┃ ┗ theme.css               <- Cascading style sheet for the project
┃ ┗ fafi-sna-logo.png       <- Project logo
┃ ┗ credit.xml              <- Author contributions in a JATS XML file
┣ docs/                     <- Directory for the rendered literate programming file
┃ ┗ index.html              <- Rendered version of the literate programming file
┣ index_cache/              <- Directory used to serve the rendered literate programming file
┣ index_files/              <- Directory used to serve the rendered literate programming file
┣ output/                   <- Target directory for collecting R output files
┃ ┗ plots/                  <- Directory for storing plots in PDF and PNG formats
┃ ┗ csv/                    <- Directory for storing CSV files
┣ R                         <- Directory for storing R scripts
┃ ┗ fafi-sna.R              <- R script distilled from the literate programming file
┣ .gitignore                <- Files and directories to be ignored by Git
┣ .nojekyll                 <- File to tell Github to not use Jekyll
┣ _footer.html              <- The footer for the rendered literate programming file
┣ _site.yml                 <- Configuration file for the rendered literate programming file
┣        <- Code of Conduct for project contributors
┣ LICENSE                   <- License (MIT) for project
┣                 <- This file, a general overview of this project
┗ index.Rmd                 <- Literate programming file for the project analysis

Literate Code

Computer scientist Don Knuth (1984) first coined the term “literate programming” to describe a form of programming that is created as a human-readable narrative. It has been taken up as a format that is rich in comments and documentation to illustrate and illuminate the choices and decisions that were made in the act of programming. Literate code is also an essential aspect of research to promote reproducibility of analysis (Dekker 2018; Vassilev et al. 2016). In this case, as a community-engaged study, we are more interested in exemplifying trust, transparency, and accountability (Chou and Frazier 2020; Mullins et al. 2020; Sabatello et al. 2022), literate code provides a clear window for community members and participants into the inner processes of data analysis and visualization methodologies.

This is primarily an exercise in coding as bricolage (Lévi-Strauss 1968; Turkle and Papert 1992), so the code itself is neither particularly DRY nor SLAP. But it works and gets the job done even if there may be more elegant and efficient ways of doing things.

Load Libraries

Libraries are packages that are loaded in to extend the functionality to the base R programming language. This project makes use of three different categories of libraries: Network Graph Libraries, a Quantitative Anthropology Library, and Other R Libraries.

Network Graph Libraries

Network Graph Libraries allow for the construction, analysis, and visualization of social network data. The igraph library (Csardi and Nepusz 2006) is the main social network analysis engine, while tidygraph (Pedersen 2023) and ggraph (Pedersen 2022) provide functionality for processing and visualizing social network graphs, respectively. Centiserve (Jalili 2017) provides extended centrality algorithms.

Quantitative Anthropology Library

Since participants are asked for names and roles, the data collection process is essentially a freelisting protocol (Quinlan 2018). Under that assumption, Smith’s Salience (S) Score can be calculated. AnthroTools (Purzycki and Jamieson-Lane 2017) provides functionality for working with freelist data and calculating Smith’s S.


Other R Libraries

The other libraries utilized for this analysis provide extensions for base R in working with data. The readr package (Wickham, Hester, and Bryan 2023) allows for efficient and straightforward reading and writing of local CSV files, while the rio (Chan et al. 2021) package allows for the reading of web-based CSV files as the datasets for this project are stored in an OSF repository. The glue (Hester and Bryan 2022), tidyr (Wickham, Vaughan, and Girlich 2023), and dplyr (Wickham et al. 2023) packages are used to process data. The ggthemes package (Arnold 2021) provides extended theme options for graphs, vistime (Raabe 2022) provides functionality for creating timelines, ggcorrplot (Kassambara 2022) provides functionality for creating correlation plots, and ggpubr (Kassambara 2023) provides functionality for creating publication-ready plots and graphs.

Define Constants

The following constants are utilized across the project.

Common Color Pallete

The IBM Carbon Design System color pallete, a large color-blind friendly data-oriented color palette, is used to represent various types of participants. the_palette links these participant types with color codes.

the_palette <<- c(
  "FL" = "#6929c4", "NC" = "#1192e8", "PA" = "#005d5d",
  "CF" = "#9f1853", "FF" = "#fa4d56", "IL" = "#570408",
  "OR" = "#198038", "OT" = "#002d9c", "SA" = "#ee538b",
  "ST" = "#b28600", "UA" = "#009d9a", "UF" = "#012749",
  "US" = "#8a3800"

Participant Abbreviation List

Relatedly, the_abbrev dataframe provides links between the abbreviations for the participant types and the full descriptions of these participant types.

the_abbrev <<- data.frame(
  color_code = c(
    "FL", "NC", "FF", "IL", "OR", "OT", "SA",
    "ST", "UA", "UF", "US", "PA", "CF"
  full = c(
    "Family Leader", "NC Member", "Friend/Family",
    "Institutional Leader", "Other Resource", "Therapist",
    "Administrator", "Teacher", "Advisor", "Faculty",
    "Staff", "Student", "Child"

Define Functions

Functions provide “shortcodes” for repeating calculations or analyses multiple times with different variables, datasets, or networks.

Helper Functions

Helper functions provide functionality to other functions or ongoing analysis and calculations across the code.

Save Plots Function

This function saves plots to the output folder in two formats, as a pdf file and as a png. These two formats serve different purposes, so both are useful: pdf files are useful for inclusion in publications and png files are useful for distribution via the web. Both files are set at a high resolution 300dpi.

plot_save <- function(the_plot, the_file) {
  # Set the filename for the PDF.
  pdf_name <- glue("output/plots/{the_file}.pdf")
  # Set the filname for the PNG.
  png_name <- glue("output/plots/{the_file}.png")
  # Save as PDF.
    filename = pdf_name,
    width = 11.5,
    height = 8,
    units = "in",
    dpi = 300
  # Save as PNG.
    filename = png_name,
    width = 11.5,
    height = 8,
    units = "in",
    dpi = 300

Create Correlation Plot Function

Correlation plots are effective modes of visualizing relationships between variables. This function takes in a dataframe and creates and saves a correlation plot while identifying (with an X) correlations that are not statistically significant (i.e., the \(p\)-value for non-significant correlations is greater than 0.05).

plot_corr <- function(the_frame, the_file) {
  # Calculate the correlation of the provided dataframe.
  corr <- round(cor(the_frame), 1)
  # Calculate a matrix of significance.
  p_mat <- cor_pmat(corr)
  # Initialize plot.
  corr_plot <- ggcorrplot(corr,
    hc.order = TRUE, # Order according to hierarchical clustering.
    type = "lower", # Only display the bottom half.
    p.mat = p_mat, # Account for statistical significance.
    colors = c("#750e13", "#ffffff", "#003a6d")
  ) # Set colors.
  # Save the plot...
  plot_save(corr_plot, the_file)
  # ...and return it.

Calculate Tukey’s Fences Function

Small graphs are prone to extreme outliers, especially when there are power dynamics such as instructor-student relations. While acknowledging this dynamic, it does skew such calculations as a Key Actor Analysis. Tukey’s fences (Hoaglin, Iglewicz, and Tukey 1986; Tukey 1993) is one way to remove the impact of these outliers.

calculate_tukey <- function(the_cent) {
  # Calculate Tukey's fences
  q <- quantile(the_cent, c(0.25, 0.75))
  iqr <- q[2] - q[1]
  the_fence <- data.frame(
    lower = q[1] - 1.5 * iqr,
    upper = q[2] + 1.5 * iqr

Network Graph Functions

Initialize Network Graph Function

The set_graph function takes in an edge list that provides a representation of who participants named in the survey and converts it into a network graph object. Extra variables are added to the graph:

The graph and these variables are passed on for plotting and calculating centralities. Several of the centrality algorithms account for weight when calculating the centrality.

set_graph <- function(the_frame, the_salience) {
  # Reduce the edge list to just i (from) and j (to).
  the_frame <- the_frame |>
    select("from", "to")
  # Calculate the number of times i names j.
  the_weight <- the_frame |>
    group_by(from, to) |>
    summarize(weight = n()) |>
  # Combine the dataframes into one, matching the weight to the edge.
  the_frame <- merge(the_frame, the_weight, by = c("from", "to"))
  # Create the igraph object, and set it to be a directed graph (i.e., i -> j).
  the_graph <- the_frame |>
    graph_from_data_frame(directed = TRUE)
  the_salience <- the_salience |> rename("name" = "actor")
  node_data <- data.frame(name = V(the_graph)$name) |>
    mutate(id_no = substr(V(the_graph)$name, 3, 4)) |>
    mutate(color_code = substr(V(the_graph)$name, 1, 2)) |>
    left_join(the_salience) |>
    left_join(the_abbrev) |>
    mutate(label = glue("{full} {id_no}")) |>
    replace_na(list(SmithsS = 0.01))
  V(the_graph)$color_code <- node_data$color_code
  V(the_graph)$size_code <- (node_data$SmithsS) * 100
  V(the_graph)$label <- node_data$label
  # Send the graph object back for further processing.

Plot the Graph Function

The draw_graph creates the visualization–the plot–of the social network graph and then saves it for further use. The geom_edge_fan feature is used to represent the number of times a participant named an actor.

draw_graph <- function(the_graph, the_file) {
  # Set the filename for saving the graph.
  the_file <- glue("sna_{the_file}-plot")
  # Set a reproducible seed for randomization, used to ensure that the plot looks more or less
  # the same each time it is created.
  # Create the plot.
  the_plot <- the_graph |>
    ggraph(layout = "fr") + # Display the graph using the Fruchterman and Reingold algorithm.
    geom_edge_fan(color = "#A7A9AB") + # Plot the edges between nodes.
        color = color_code, # Plot the nodes with the color determined by the
        linewidth = size_code
      ), # participant and the size of the node determined
      show.legend = FALSE
    ) + # by the Smith's S Salience Score.
    scale_size_continuous(range = c(2.5, 10)) + # Rescale the node size.
    scale_color_manual(values = the_palette) + # Bring in the color palette.
    geom_node_text(aes(label = label), repel = TRUE) + # Place the actor name on the graph.
      edge_width = "Letters",
      title = "Social Network",
      caption = "Test caption"
    ) +
    theme_few() +
      axis.text = element_blank(),
      axis.ticks = element_blank(),
      axis.title = element_blank(),
      panel.border = element_blank()
  # Save the plot.
  plot_save(the_plot, the_file)
  # Return the plot for further use as necessary.

Calculate Network Centralities Function

A number of node-level centralities, or metrics, are calculated on the graphs and are utilized for the analysis. Nodes are the graphical representation of actors and edges are the graphical representation of relationships between actors.

calculate_centrality <- function(the_graph, the_salience, the_file) {
  analysis_network_data <- data.frame(
    indegree = igraph::degree(the_graph, mode = "in"),
    outdegree = igraph::degree(the_graph, mode = "out"),
    leaderrank = leaderrank(the_graph),
    laplace = laplacian(the_graph),
    leverage = leverage(the_graph),
    latora = closeness.latora(the_graph)
  analysis_network_data$actor <- rownames(analysis_network_data)
  rownames(analysis_network_data) <- NULL
  analysis_network_data <- analysis_network_data |>
    select(actor, everything()) |>
    left_join(the_salience) |>
    replace_na(list(SmithsS = 0))
  rownames(analysis_network_data) <- analysis_network_data$actor

Calculate Named Actors Salience Scores Function

calculate_salience <- function(the_frame, the_grouping, the_file) {
  the_filename <- glue("output/csv/salience_{the_file}.csv")
  anthro_frame <- the_frame |>
    select("Subj" = "from", "Order" = "order", "CODE" = "to", "GROUPING" = "question") |>
    add_count(Subj, GROUPING) |>
    filter(n > 1)
  if (the_grouping == "none") {
    anthro_frame <- anthro_frame |>
      select("Subj", "Order", "CODE") |>
      distinct() |>
    anthro_frame$Order <- as.numeric(anthro_frame$Order)
    the_salience <- CalculateSalience(anthro_frame)
  } else {
    anthro_frame <- anthro_frame |>
      select("Subj", "Order", "CODE", "GROUPING") |>
      distinct() |>
    anthro_frame$Order <- as.numeric(anthro_frame$Order)
    the_salience <- CalculateSalience(anthro_frame, GROUPING = "GROUPING")
  code_salience <- SalienceByCode(the_salience, dealWithDoubles = "MAX")
  write_csv(code_salience, the_filename, append = FALSE)
  code_salience <- code_salience |>
    select("actor" = "CODE", "SmithsS")

Key Actor Functions

Identify Key Actors Function

calculate_keyactors <- function(the_frame, the_file) {
  max_leverage <- max(the_frame$leverage, na.rm = TRUE)
  min_leverage <- min(the_frame$leverage, na.rm = TRUE)
  key_frame <- the_frame %>%
    select(actor, leverage, leaderrank, SmithsS)
  key_res <- lm(leaderrank ~ leverage, data = key_frame)$residuals |> |>
    rename(res = 1) |>
    mutate(res = abs(res))
  key_res$actor <- row.names(key_res)
  row.names(key_res) <- NULL
  key_frame <- key_frame |>
  leaderrank_fence <- calculate_tukey(key_frame$leaderrank)
  key_frame_leaderrank_trimmed <- key_frame |>
    filter(leaderrank >= leaderrank_fence$lower & leaderrank <= leaderrank_fence$upper)
  leverage_fence <- calculate_tukey(key_frame$leverage)
  key_frame_leverage_trimmed <- key_frame |>
    filter(leverage >= leverage_fence$lower & leverage_fence$upper)
  key_ymean <<- mean(key_frame_leaderrank_trimmed$leaderrank)
  key_xmean <<- mean(key_frame_leverage_trimmed$leverage)
  key_frame <- key_frame |>
    mutate(keystatus = case_when(
      (leaderrank > key_ymean & leverage > key_xmean) ~ "Sage",
      (leaderrank > key_ymean & leverage < key_xmean) ~ "Steward",
      (leaderrank < key_ymean & leverage > key_xmean) ~ "Weaver"
    )) |>
    na.omit() |>
    group_by(keystatus) |>
    arrange(desc(res), desc(SmithsS)) |>
    unique() |>
  key_frame <- key_frame |>
    select(actor, leverage, leaderrank, res, SmithsS, keystatus) |>
    arrange(keystatus, desc(res), desc(SmithsS))

Plot Key Actors Function

plot_keyactors <- function(key_frame, the_file) {
  the_filename <- glue("keyactors_{the_file}-plot")
  key_xmin <- min(key_frame$leverage)
  key_xmax <- max(key_frame$leverage)
  key_ymin <- min(key_frame$leaderrank)
  key_ymax <- max(key_frame$leaderrank)
  steward_count <- count_keyactors(key_frame, "Steward")
  sage_count <- count_keyactors(key_frame, "Sage")
  weaver_count <- count_keyactors(key_frame, "Weaver")
  key_frame <- key_frame |>
    mutate(color_code = substr(key_frame$actor, 1, 2)) |>
    mutate(id_no = substr(key_frame$actor, 3, 4)) |>
    left_join(the_abbrev) |>
    mutate(label = glue("{full} {id_no}")) |>
    select(-full, -id_no)
  key_plot <- ggscatter(key_frame,
    x = "leverage", y = "leaderrank",
    label = "label", label.rectangle = FALSE, repel = TRUE,
    theme = theme_minimal(), ylab = "Leader Rank Centrality",
    xlab = "Leverage Centrality", point = TRUE, show.legend = FALSE,
    color = "color_code", palette = the_palette, = FALSE, cor.coef = FALSE, legend = "none"
  if (steward_count != 0) {
    key_plot <- key_plot +
      geom_vline(xintercept = key_xmean, color = "#243142", alpha = 0.2) +
      geom_label(aes(x = key_xmin, y = key_ymax, label = "Stewards", hjust = 0),
        color = "#243142", fill = "#A7A9AB"
  if (weaver_count != 0) {
    key_plot <- key_plot +
      geom_hline(yintercept = key_ymean, color = "#243142", alpha = 0.2) +
        x = key_xmax, y = key_ymin,
        label = "Weavers", hjust = 1
      ), color = "#243142", fill = "#A7A9AB")
  key_plot <- key_plot +
      x = key_xmax, y = key_ymax,
      label = "Sages", hjust = 1
    ), color = "#243142", fill = "#A7A9AB") +
    theme_few() +
    theme(legend.position = "none")
  plot_save(key_plot, the_filename)

Count Key Actors Function

count_keyactors <- function(key_frame, the_actor) {
  the_count <- key_frame |>
    count(keystatus) |>
    filter(keystatus == the_actor) |>
  the_count <- ifelse(is.numeric(the_count), the_count, 0)
  the_count <- the_count |> replace_na(0)

Process Key Actor Data Functions

create_q_key <- function(the_1, the_2, the_question) {
  the_q_key <- bind_rows(the_1, the_2) |>
    mutate(question = the_question) |>
    select(question, actor, keystatus)

Deeper Analysis Functions

Combine Multiplex Graph Layers Functions

create_q_cent <- function(the_1, the_2, the.question) {
  the_q_cent <- bind_rows(the_1, the_2) |>
    mutate(question = the.question) |>
      question, actor, outdegree, indegree, leverage,
      laplace, leaderrank, latora, SmithsS

calculate_ranks <- function(the_cent) {
  the_cent <- the_cent |>
    mutate(outdegree_rank = dense_rank(desc(outdegree))) |>
    mutate(indegree_rank = dense_rank(desc(indegree))) |>
    mutate(leverage_rank = dense_rank(desc(leverage))) |>
    mutate(laplacian_rank = dense_rank(desc(laplace))) |>
    mutate(leaderrank_rank = dense_rank(desc(leaderrank))) |>
    mutate(smiths_rank = dense_rank(desc(SmithsS))) |>
    mutate(latora_rank = dense_rank(desc(latora))) |>
      question, actor, outdegree, outdegree_rank, indegree, indegree_rank,
      leverage, leverage_rank, laplace, laplacian_rank,
      latora, latora_rank, leaderrank, leaderrank_rank, SmithsS, smiths_rank
    ) |>
    arrange(question, actor)
  rownames(the_cent) <- NULL

Calculate Situational Flexibility Score Functions

Calculate Jaccard Index Function

The Jaccard Similarity Index is a measure of how similar two sets of information are, with a range between 0 (nothing is the same) and 1 (everything is the same).

\(J\), the Jaccard Similarity Index, is calculated with the following formula:

\(J(p,q) = \frac{|p \cap q|}{|p \cup q|}\)

where \(p\) and \(q\) are sets of information. The absolute value of the union of \(p\) and \(q\), or the number of items they have in common, is divided by the absolute value of the intersection of \(p\) and \(q\), or the number of total unique items across the both sets.

This value is then passed back to the Situational Flexibility Score \((f_S)\) function for further processing.

calculate_jaccard <- function(the_set_1, the_set_2) {
  the_jaccard <- (length(intersect(the_set_1$to, the_set_2$to)) / length(union(the_set_1$to, the_set_2$to)))

Calculate Situational Flexibility Score Function

The Situational Flexibility Score \((f_S)\) builds upon the standard community-based flexibility score (Porter 2014). In this case, situational flexibility refers to is a measure of the breadth of connections actors have to address situational information needs. Expanding upon the in degree and out degree centralities, situational degree looks at degree measures in a nuanced manner over the layers of a situation-oriented multilayered network graph.

The Actor Situational Flexibility Score is calculated with the following formula:

\(f_S = 1 - (\frac{\frac{1}{m(m-1)} \sum_{p\neq q} J(set_p,\ set_q)}{\max_{p,q} J(set_p,\ set_q)})\)

where \(m\) is the total number of sets, \(p\) and \(q\) represent the sets, and \(J\) represents the Jaccard Index. The calculation proceeds by dividing the sum of the Jaccard Indices by the possible total sum of Jaccard Indices. In this case, there are three sets, so the sum of the three Jaccard Indices is divided by 3. This value is subtracted from 1 to indicate difference rather than similarity.

calculate_situational_flexibility <- function(the_actor) {
  set1 <- flex_frame |>
    filter(actor == the_actor & question == "Q1") |>
    select(actor, to) |>
  set1$actor <- as.factor(set1$actor)
  set1$to <- as.factor(set1$to)
  set2 <- flex_frame |>
    filter(actor == the_actor & question == "Q3") |>
    select(actor, to) |>
  set2$actor <- as.factor(set2$actor)
  set2$to <- as.factor(set2$to)
  set3 <- flex_frame |>
    filter(actor == the_actor & question == "Q4") |>
    select(actor, to) |>
  set3$actor <- as.factor(set3$actor)
  set3$to <- as.factor(set3$to)
  jaccard_1 <- calculate_jaccard(set1, set2)
  jaccard_2 <- calculate_jaccard(set2, set3)
  jaccard_3 <- calculate_jaccard(set1, set3)
  # the_flexibility <- 1 - ((1 / (3 * (3 - 1)) * (jaccard_1 + jaccard_2 + jaccard_3)) / 3)
  the_flexibility <- 1 - ((jaccard_1 + jaccard_2 + jaccard_3) / 3)
  response_frame <- data.frame(actor = the_actor, flexibility = the_flexibility)

Processing The Data

Reading the Data

pates_frame <- import("", format = "csv") |>
  mutate_all(toupper) |>
  filter(id != "PA09") |>
    cols = starts_with("Q"),
    names_to = "question",
    values_to = "to"
  ) |>
  drop_na() |>
  select("question", "from" = "id", "to") |>
  separate(col = question, into = c("question", "order"), sep = "_") |>
  filter(to != "")
write_csv(pates_frame, "output/csv/pates_frame.csv")

ncfl_frame <- import("", format = "csv") |>
  mutate_all(toupper) |>
    cols = starts_with("Q"),
    names_to = "question",
    values_to = "to"
  ) |>
  drop_na() |>
  select("question", "from" = "ID", "to") |>
  separate(col = question, into = c("question", "order"), sep = "_") |>
  filter(to != "")
write_csv(ncfl_frame, "output/csv/ncfl_frame.csv")

full_frame <- rbind(pates_frame, ncfl_frame)

Create Overall Graph

full_salience <- calculate_salience(full_frame, "GROUPING", "full")
full_graph <- set_graph(full_frame, full_salience)
full_plot <- draw_graph(full_graph, "full")

# A tibble: 80 × 4
   question order from  to   
   <chr>    <chr> <chr> <chr>
 1 Q1       1     PA01  UF01 
 2 Q3       1     PA01  US01 
 3 Q3       2     PA01  UF01 
 4 Q4       1     PA01  UF01 
 5 Q4       2     PA01  FF02 
 6 Q1       1     PA02  UF01 
 7 Q1       2     PA02  US02 
 8 Q3       1     PA02  UF01 
 9 Q3       2     PA02  US02 
10 Q4       1     PA02  UF01 
# ℹ 70 more rows

Process Questions

pates_q1_frame <- pates_frame |>
  filter(question == "Q1")
pates_q1_salience <- calculate_salience(pates_q1_frame, "GROUPING", "Q1")
pates_q1_graph <- set_graph(pates_q1_frame, pates_q1_salience)
pates_q1_plot <- draw_graph(pates_q1_graph, "q1_pates")
pates_q1_cent <- calculate_centrality(pates_q1_graph, pates_q1_salience, "q1_pates")
pates_q1_key <- calculate_keyactors(pates_q1_cent, "q1_pates")
pates_q1_key_plot <- plot_keyactors(pates_q1_key, "q1_pates")

ncfl_q1_frame <- ncfl_frame |>
  filter(question == "Q1")
ncfl_q1_salience <- calculate_salience(ncfl_q1_frame, "GROUPING", "Q1")
ncfl_q1_graph <- set_graph(ncfl_q1_frame, ncfl_q1_salience)
ncfl_q1_plot <- draw_graph(ncfl_q1_graph, "q1_ncfl")
ncfl_q1_cent <- calculate_centrality(ncfl_q1_graph, ncfl_q1_salience, "q1_ncfl")
ncfl_q1_key <- calculate_keyactors(ncfl_q1_cent, "q1_ncfl")
ncfl_q1_key_plot <- plot_keyactors(ncfl_q1_key, "q1_ncfl")

pates_q3_frame <- pates_frame |>
  filter(question == "Q3")
pates_q3_salience <- calculate_salience(pates_q3_frame, "GROUPING", "Q3")
pates_q3_graph <- set_graph(pates_q3_frame, pates_q3_salience)
pates_q3_plot <- draw_graph(pates_q3_graph, "q3_pates")
pates_q3_cent <- calculate_centrality(pates_q3_graph, pates_q3_salience, "q3_pates")
pates_q3_key <- calculate_keyactors(pates_q3_cent, "q3_pates")
pates_q3_key_plot <- plot_keyactors(pates_q3_key, "q3_pates")

ncfl_q3_frame <- ncfl_frame |>
  filter(question == "Q3")
ncfl_q3_salience <- calculate_salience(ncfl_q3_frame, "GROUPING", "Q3")
ncfl_q3_graph <- set_graph(ncfl_q3_frame, ncfl_q3_salience)
ncfl_q3_plot <- draw_graph(ncfl_q3_graph, "q3_ncfl")
ncfl_q3_cent <- calculate_centrality(ncfl_q3_graph, ncfl_q3_salience, "q3_ncfl")
ncfl_q3_key <- calculate_keyactors(ncfl_q3_cent, "q3_ncfl")
ncfl_q3_key_plot <- plot_keyactors(ncfl_q3_key, "q3_ncfl")

pates_q4_frame <- pates_frame |>
  filter(question == "Q4")
pates_q4_salience <- calculate_salience(pates_q4_frame, "GROUPING", "Q4")
pates_q4_graph <- set_graph(pates_q4_frame, pates_q4_salience)
pates_q4_plot <- draw_graph(pates_q4_graph, "q4_pates")
pates_q4_cent <- calculate_centrality(pates_q4_graph, pates_q4_salience, "q4_pates")
pates_q4_key <- calculate_keyactors(pates_q4_cent, "q4_pates")
pates_q4_key_plot <- plot_keyactors(pates_q4_key, "q4_pates")

ncfl_q4_frame <- ncfl_frame |>
  filter(question == "Q4")
ncfl_q4_salience <- calculate_salience(ncfl_q4_frame, "GROUPING", "Q4")
ncfl_q4_graph <- set_graph(ncfl_q4_frame, ncfl_q4_salience)
ncfl_q4_plot <- draw_graph(ncfl_q4_graph, "q4_ncfl")
ncfl_q4_cent <- calculate_centrality(ncfl_q4_graph, ncfl_q4_salience, "q4_ncfl")
ncfl_q4_key <- calculate_keyactors(ncfl_q4_cent, "q4_ncfl")
ncfl_q4_key_plot <- plot_keyactors(ncfl_q4_key, "q4_ncfl")

Analyzing the Data

Preparing the Scores

Calculate Actor Flexibility Score

# Calculating Actor Flexibility Score
flex_frame <<- full_frame |>
  select(question, actor = from, to)

flex_results <- lapply(unique(flex_frame$actor), calculate_situational_flexibility)
flex_score <-, flex_results)

Calculate Key Actor Score

q1_key <- create_q_key(pates_q1_key, ncfl_q1_key, "q1")
q3_key <- create_q_key(pates_q3_key, ncfl_q3_key, "q3")
q4_key <- create_q_key(pates_q4_key, ncfl_q4_key, "q4")
q_key <<- bind_rows(q1_key, q3_key, q4_key) |>
  select(actor, keystatus) |>
  mutate(keyscore = case_when(
    keystatus == "Sage" ~ 3,
    keystatus == "Steward" ~ 2,
    keystatus == "Weaver" ~ 1
  )) |>
  group_by(actor) |>
  summarize(keyscore = sum(keyscore)) |>
  mutate(keyscore = keyscore / 9)

Create Rankings for Comparing Across Graphs

Because this is a multilayered graph that includes information across a range of contexts in response to different prompts, the calculated centralities themselves cannot be compared because this is like comparing a golden delicious to a honey crisp apple. Instead, relative ranks can be compared across the multiple layers of the graphs: how did actor \(i\) rank compare to the others? This ranking provides a picture across contexts and prompts.

Blah blah blah.

q1_cent <- create_q_cent(pates_q1_cent, ncfl_q1_cent, "q1") |>
q3_cent <- create_q_cent(pates_q3_cent, ncfl_q3_cent, "q3") |>
q4_cent <- create_q_cent(pates_q4_cent, ncfl_q4_cent, "q4") |>
q_cent <<- bind_rows(q1_cent, q3_cent, q4_cent)
full_avg_cent <- q_cent |>
    actor, leverage_rank, laplacian_rank, outdegree_rank, indegree_rank,
    latora_rank, leaderrank_rank, smiths_rank
  ) |>
  group_by(actor) |>
  summarize(across(everything(), mean), .groups = "drop") |>
  left_join(flex_score) |>
  left_join(q_key) |>
  replace_na(list(flexibility = 0, keyscore = 0)) |>
  mutate(flexibility_rank = dense_rank(desc(flexibility))) |>
  mutate(keyscore_rank = dense_rank(desc(keyscore))) |>
  ungroup() |>

Analyze Key Actors

We look at the key actors in this project as contributors to the social network through three dimensions:

\(\frac{1}{{\text{avg}(R_{\text{p}},\ R_{\text{q}})}} \times 10\)

keyactors_q_frame <- q_key |>
  left_join(q1_key) |>
  left_join(q3_key, by = "actor") |>
  left_join(q4_key, by = "actor") |>
    q1_status = keystatus.x, q3_status = keystatus.y,
    q4_status = keystatus
  ) |>

keyactors_frame <- full_avg_cent |>
  filter(keyscore > 0) |>
  mutate(positionality_score = ((1 / (laplacian_rank + leverage_rank) / 2)) * 10) |>
  mutate(reputation_score = ((1 / (smiths_rank + leaderrank_rank) / 2)) * 10) |>
  mutate(reachability_score = ((1 / (latora_rank + indegree_rank) / 2)) * 10) |>
  mutate(overall_score = (positionality_score + reputation_score + reachability_score) / 3) |>
    actor, overall_score, positionality_score, reachability_score, reputation_score,
    keyscore, keyscore_rank
  ) |>
  left_join(keyactors_q_frame) |>
  unique() |>
write_csv(keyactors_frame, file = "output/csv/keyactors_analysis.csv")
actor overall_score Network Scores Key Actor Roles
positionality_score reachability_score reputation_score q1_status q3_status q4_status
UF01 2.2916667 2.5000000 2.5000000 1.8750000 Sage Sage Sage
ST02 0.9074074 0.5000000 0.5555556 1.6666667 Sage
ST04 0.6144781 0.5555556 0.4545455 0.8333333 Sage
UF02 0.5728692 0.3846154 0.6818182 0.6521739 Sage Sage Sage
IL01 0.5708333 0.4000000 0.3125000 1.0000000 Sage Sage
OR01 0.5702614 0.2941176 0.4166667 1.0000000 Steward
PA10 0.5430791 0.6250000 0.7500000 0.2542373 Weaver Weaver Weaver
PA08 0.4895077 0.5000000 0.7142857 0.2542373 Weaver Weaver Weaver
OR02 0.4750233 0.2941176 0.4166667 0.7142857 Steward
US01 0.4480820 0.3125000 0.4761905 0.5555556 Sage Steward
SA03 0.4221133 0.2941176 0.4166667 0.5555556 Steward
FF02 0.4162210 0.2941176 0.5000000 0.4545455 Sage
FF03 0.4162210 0.2941176 0.5000000 0.4545455 Sage
FF01 0.4139194 0.3571429 0.3846154 0.5000000 Sage
ST03 0.4139194 0.3571429 0.3846154 0.5000000 Sage

Analyze Participant Actors

We look at the participants in this project–the Pre-Admissions Teacher Education Students, the Neighborhood Caucus members, and the Family Leaders–as contributors to the social network through three perspectives (really need to come up with a better word than that):

key_reputation <- keyactors_frame |>
  select(actor, reputation_score)
participants_frame <- full_avg_cent |>
  left_join(key_reputation) |>
  filter(substr(actor, 1, 2) == "PA" | substr(actor, 1, 2) == "FL" | substr(actor, 1, 2) == "NC") |>
  mutate(reputation_rank = dense_rank(desc(reputation_score))) |>
  replace_na(list(reputation_rank = 0))
reputation_rank_na <- (max(participants_frame$reputation_rank)) + 1
participants_frame <- participants_frame |>
  mutate(reputation_rank = if_else(reputation_rank == 0, reputation_rank_na, reputation_rank)) |>
  mutate(potentiality_score = ((1 / (flexibility_rank + reputation_rank) / 2)) * 10) |>
  mutate(positionality_score = ((1 / (laplacian_rank + leverage_rank) / 2)) * 10) |>
  mutate(reachability_score = ((1 / (latora_rank + outdegree_rank) / 2)) * 10) |>
  # mutate(potentiality_score = (((flexibility_rank + reputation_rank) / 2))) |>
  # mutate(positionality_score = (((laplacian_rank + leverage_rank) / 2))) |>
  # mutate(reachability_score = (((latora_rank + outdegree_rank) / 2))) |>
    overall_score =
      (potentiality_score +
        positionality_score +
      / 3
  ) |>
  ) |>
  arrange(desc(overall_score)) |>
  file = "output/csv/participants_analysis.csv"
actor overall_score positionality_score reachability_score potentiality_score
NC03 0.9007937 0.5000000 0.5357143 1.6666667
NC02 0.8730959 0.4838710 0.4687500 1.6666667
PA10 0.8472222 0.6250000 1.5000000 0.4166667
PA08 0.7500000 0.5000000 1.2500000 0.5000000
NC01 0.5966731 0.2459016 0.2941176 1.2500000
FL02 0.5921593 0.2586207 0.2678571 1.2500000
PA07 0.5584156 0.4054054 0.5555556 0.7142857
PA06 0.5547261 0.3191489 0.7894737 0.5555556
PA01 0.5438808 0.3260870 0.7500000 0.5555556
PA02 0.5404040 0.3333333 0.8333333 0.4545455
FL03 0.4952719 0.3191489 0.3333333 0.8333333
PA05 0.4588930 0.2777778 0.7142857 0.3846154
PA03 0.4023810 0.2500000 0.6000000 0.3571429
PA04 0.4023810 0.2500000 0.6000000 0.3571429
FL01 0.3539886 0.2500000 0.2564103 0.5555556

Initial Reflections

Providing Context

Unruly complexity comes from the work of Peter Taylor through his critique of models and his efforts to re-situate model-based research in historical and sociocultural contexts (Taylor 2010, 2018).

Consider Sociocultural Ontological and Phenomenological Contexts

Ontological contexts refer to structural and infrastructural elements of social life.

Phenomenological contexts refer to personal experiential considerations.

(Dörpinghaus et al. 2022; Porter, Onnela, and Mucha 2009)

Ontological and phenomenological contexts can inform one another, for example FAPE and Schooling Experiences inform Learning Agendas but we consider these separately.

Consider Sociohistorical Context


This is work is funded in part by a National Association for Family, School, and Community Engagement (NAFSCE) Mini-Grant. Appreciation to Harish Gadde and Jay Colbert of the Polis Center at IUPUI for providing the historical census data.

Author Contributions

Role Authors
Conceptualization Jeremy F Price, Cristinia Santamaría Graff
Data Curation Jeremy F Price, Cristinia Santamaría Graff, Akaash Arora, Amy Waechter-Versaw, Román Graff
Formal Analysis Jeremy F Price, Cristinia Santamaría Graff, Akaash Arora, Amy Waechter-Versaw, Román Graff
Funding Acquisition Cristinia Santamaría Graff, Jeremy F Price
Investigation Jeremy F Price, Cristinia Santamaría Graff
Methodology Jeremy F Price
Project Administration Cristinia Santamaría Graff, Jeremy F Price
Software Jeremy F Price
Supervision Jeremy F Price
Visualization Jeremy F Price
Writing - Original Draft Jeremy F Price, Cristinia Santamaría Graff, Akaash Arora, Amy Waechter-Versaw, Román Graff
Writing - Review & Editing Jeremy F Price, Cristinia Santamaría Graff, Akaash Arora, Amy Waechter-Versaw, Román Graff
Available in JATS format.

Session Information

The session information is provided for reproducibility purposes.

─ Session info ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────
 setting  value
 version  R version 4.3.1 (2023-06-16)
 os       macOS Sonoma 14.1.2
 system   aarch64, darwin20
 ui       X11
 language (EN)
 collate  en_US.UTF-8
 ctype    en_US.UTF-8
 tz       America/Indiana/Indianapolis
 date     2023-12-16
 pandoc   3.1.1 @ /Applications/ (via rmarkdown)

─ Packages ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
 package     * version date (UTC) lib source
 AnthroTools * 0.8     2023-05-10 [1] Github (alastair-JL/AnthroTools@2475c3a)
 centiserve  * 1.0.0   2017-07-15 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.0)
 dplyr       * 1.1.3   2023-09-03 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.0)
 ggcorrplot  * 0.1.4   2022-09-27 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.0)
 ggplot2     * 3.4.3   2023-08-14 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.0)
 ggpubr      * 0.6.0   2023-02-10 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.0)
 ggraph      * 2.1.0   2022-10-09 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.0)
 ggthemes    * 4.2.4   2021-01-20 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.0)
 glue        * 1.6.2   2022-02-24 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.0)
 gt          * 0.9.0   2023-03-31 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.0)
 igraph      * 1.5.1   2023-08-10 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.0)
 Matrix      * 1.6-1   2023-08-14 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.0)
 readr       * 2.1.4   2023-02-10 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.0)
 rio         * 0.5.29  2021-11-22 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.0)
 tidygraph   * 1.2.3   2023-02-01 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.0)
 tidyr       * 1.3.0   2023-01-24 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.0)
 vistime     * 1.2.3   2022-10-16 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.0)

 [1] /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.3-arm64/Resources/library

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For attribution, please cite this work as

Price, et al. (2023, Dec. 16). The Analysis is Not the Social Network: The Archaeology of Social Network Analysis. Retrieved from

BibTeX citation

  author = {Price, Jeremy F and Graff, Cristina Santamaría and Arora, Akaash and Waechter-Versaw, Amy and Graff, Román},
  title = {The Analysis is Not the Social Network: The Archaeology of Social Network Analysis},
  url = {},
  year = {2023}